gaining a new perspective


My father forgot how to brush his teeth due to dementia. ⁣

So he would go to the dentist ⁣
for a deep cleaning ⁣
every 3 months. ⁣

Today my mother’s ⁣
dental assistant said to me, ⁣

“I’ve never seen a wife ⁣
care for their husband ⁣
as much as your mother did. ⁣

Whenever your father had ⁣
a cleaning, she would give him ⁣
a pedicure at the same time. ⁣

She taught me how to ⁣
be a better wife.”⁣


xoxo Lani⁣

PS New crown and perspective.⁣
Sometimes good things happen ⁣
at the dentist.



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