never enough time

caregiver coach

My mom texted me and my sister 3 hours ago saying 

Dad’s not well.

He hasn’t eaten for 2 days.

The pastor will be here tomorrow to pray with me for dad’s comfort as he transitions to a new life with God. 





There is absolutely nothing we can do, so follow your travel itinerary as planned.

Don’t rush here.


My sister is visiting me in Arizona this week.

She’s supposed to be here for another 4 days.

She lives in Hawaii near my parents.


What are you going to do? she asks.

I think I’ll go tomorrow, I say. 

I was supposed to go next week, after my sister leaves.

What are you going to do?

I’m not sure. I don’t think it would make a difference if I go.

No, you don’t have to go. Stay here, I’ll go.


In the meantime, I’m nervous because my son is driving across the desert in a beat up old truck in 2 days.


I was planning on being available to him, to drive out to the middle of the desert and find him, if his truck dies. I picture him sweating in 100 degree weather, stuck in the desolate desert.


That’s the most difficult part of the sandwich generation.

Always weighing which is more important this time, to be with my parents or my kids.


He doesn’t think the truck will die, even though it has many times.

I plead with him, Don’t forget to bring lots of water.


I book the plane ticket.

Then I begin furiously planting all the flowers and vegetables that I bought at the nursery today.

I didn’t expect to have to plant them tonight. But, who will if I don’t?


My husband is calling me for dinner. It’s 7pm and I’m still planting.

Ok, A few more minutes.

And, later I still have to pack. 

There’s never enough time


I’ll tell you how it goes next time.


Take care, bye.

xoxo Lani