when you are rejected

when you are rejected

We all feel the sting of rejection.

When I was in Japan,
my mother needed eye surgery.

I wanted to get to her as
soon as possible, so I bought
a plane ticket for the day after
my trip.

The caregiver I hired told me
my mom said
she didn’t need me then.

I interpreted that as,
She doesn’t want me.
I’m rejected.

The thing is, our first reactions
are always interpretations from
our subconscious primitive brain.

Don’t hold tightly to these.

Soon my rational brain came online.
Great! I’ll be tired.
I don’t want to go anyway.
Not needing me is not rejection.
I don’t even know her reason.
She’s probably being nice.

Don’t settle for your first reaction
without thinking through all angles.

I guarantee you can lessen
the sting.

xoxo Lani
Caregiver Coach

PS What other people do is always
about them, not about you.


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