Hi, I'm Lani

When you manage your emotions, you STOP doing these...
  • guilt tripping yourself
  • stress eating or drinking
  • regretting your actions
  •  thinking you're not doing enough
  • being overwhelmed
  • people pleasing
  • lacking motivation for yourself
  • being constantly anxious
  • jumping to anger
  • over scrolling social media or Netflix
  • overextending yourself
  •  thinking you're doing it wrong
  •  getting stuck in grief
  • wallowing in self-pity
  •  thinking others should be different

And, you START living in peace

the younger part of the sandwich generation
the middle of the sandwich generation
the older half of the sandwich generation

I listen to caregivers 

and teach them how to take control of their emotions and their life

What I Believe

 Caring for parents is hard. Dealing with family is, well, sometimes a real pain in the ass. Resentment and overwhelm happen. Then, it all ends in grief.

Been there, still doing that.

Here are a couple beliefs that help me get through this.

free will: you get to choose what you want to believe

We Create Our Own Reality

  •  Nobody else can control our emotions. That's our job alone, thank goodness!
  • Situations don't cause our feelings. Our own thoughts do. And, we have a choice in that.
  • Other people don't cause our feelings. I know, it really seems like they do! But, they only have as much power as we give them.
  • We don't want to be happy all the time. We want to be sad, afraid, angry, grieving, joyful, and everything in between. That makes us feel alive!
create your own reality here

Everything is a Choice

Did you know that you don't have to take care of anyone? Or ever talk to your family members again?

Yep, you can leave your kids (some people do), disown siblings, and leave your parents to fend for themselves (most people do).

Dropping the heavy feelings of "I have to" and "I should" and adopting the idea "I want to" can make all the difference.

Discover the level of caregiving that you want to offer.

What are your reasons for wanting to?

reasons you need a caregiver coach
I've hit my caregiving limit
I feel hateful and resentful
The anticipatory grief is huge
I'm so exhausted and just need to vent
I can help you find peace in all this

Are your caregiving beliefs helping you? Find out.

Let's Connect!

lani yamafuji caregiver coach

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yay! so fun

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Looking forward to hearing from you.

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