How to Be Resilient

no matter what

kids vs parents

After raising kids I can tell you.

It’s easier taking care of 3 kids
than 2 parents.

Kids are...

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self care sucks

Self care doesn’t feel good.

Self care is taking care of yourself by
* eating healthy

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know your choices

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

-Freewill by Rush


Did you...

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what is grief

"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

-Winnie the Pooh



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live your best life

It’s a misunderstanding to think

you can’t be happy
or you shouldn’t be happy


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where joy is

Joy comes to us from those whom we love even when they are absent



Joy and love...

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working alone

Alone together.

That’s how my son and I
describe Japanese culture.

Each person works hard

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one time, one meeting

ichi-go ichi-e

Japanese: "one time, one meeting"

Each moment is a once-in-a-lifetime treasure...

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acceptance is peace

Wishing you the peace and serenity of acceptance.

Accepting the way things are
without desperation...

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honoring my father

My father died one year ago on this day.

I honor him
as the eternally optimistic
calm and...

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the courage to live

Sometimes even to live is an act of courage


Sometimes it feels as if the weight of the...

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live your dreams

Don’t let anything stop you

from your dreams.

Me and my husband
and 3 kids
are off to Japan!


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